Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jonathan Week 5

R.I.P. Gladys M Junker 12/23/20 - 8/24/11

On Monday I had to provide some muscle (Ha) for Linda who had responded to a CraigsList ad for someone needing a rooster.  Her rooster Roo is going to be in a documentary film about a man that lives on the beach making a living by hunting and gathering.  Roo did his part in just one or two takes :-)

When we got home Da Da and JH were in the back-yard and Jh was on his swing-set, he saw me and started running towards me with arms extended yelling "Daddy, Daddy, I missed you".  It was like a Hal-mark commercial, I scooped him up and gave him hugs and kisses while he tightly wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me like crazy.  Man do I love this child!!

After work on Monday we went to MI City for dinner and had Mexican food.  JH was so exhausted from his ride home from Gramma's and playing in the yard that he fell asleep on the way to the restaurant.  He was sweet when we woke him and a pretty good boy at dinner.  On the way home JH sang A B C and a variety of other songs.  Da Da said that when they were driving Lady Ga Ga came on and JH yelled, "IT'S LADY GA GA".

Hugs, kisses, and off to bed for our sleepy little boy.

Tuesday JH woke-up and came in to snuggle and climbed all over us until we finally got up.  We had French Toast for breakfast and JH was off to Carly's house.  He was carrying a bag of Cherry Tomatoes to bring to them and jumped the last step and Boom Ding (Gramma), they were all over the garage floor.  I wasn't upset but JH must have thought I would be, so I got a few "I love you Daddy" and hugs :-)

Tuesday night was good other than JH not wanting to go to bed at 7:30 PM when we had enough of Mr happy feet.

On Wednesday morning Da Da kept JH busy in the morning while I kept busy with work.  Late in the morning we got a call from Gramma V and it wasn't good; Gramma Junker was failing fast and we needed to get packed and in the car.  We were about 100 miles from Orion when we got a call that we had lost Gramma Junker.  She was such a sweet and loved woman, Jonathan always talks about her and trying to explain why Da Da was crying wasn't easy.  We told him that Gramma Junker passed away and he said "why" and every answer we gave him he followed with "why".  He's too young to really understand but one day we'll have to explain where is Mommy is too; with Gramma Junker :-)

Thursday has been a blur with running around getting things finalized and ready for the next few days of the viewing and funeral.  This is all too familiar for me losing my brother Gene 18 months ago.  I know that we'll never get over the people we lose, and it doesn't get easier like many people say; we just get more used to it.

It's Thursday afternoon and JH and Gramma are taking a nap.  I need this time to reflect on all the loss and pain we're all feeling.  I'm going to try and focus on all the joy and wonderful people we have in our lives.  That little boy upstairs snuggling with Gramma is a pretty good start.

Friday afternoon the boys set out to have lunch and Gramma stayed home to finally have a little peace.  Grandpa, JH, Da Da and I had a nice lunch (thank you Grandpa) and did a little shopping at The Walmart.  We expect several people to drop by after the service on Sunday so we needed to stock-up on beer, water, and soda.

I laid down with JH at about 4:00 PM to try to get him to nap and after scolding, a light butt slap, and finally ignoring him he said "Daddy, can I lay on your arm?" and in minutes he was snoring in my ear.  I kept looking over at him thinking that I'm the luckiest man in the world to have his drool running down my arm.

I think I lost a day because I either don't remember too much of Saturday or some of my Friday update is blurred in to Saturday.

Today is Sunday and we had the viewing for Gramma Junker today.  JH is being a little "off" with all the confusion and being away from home for so long.  We have the funeral tomorrow and then there is some business to tend to on Tuesday.  With luck we'll be in our own beds on Tuesday night and Jonathan Harper will be swinging on his play-set on Wednesday morning.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jonathan Week 4

Monday was a good day.  JH went to Carly's house while Da Da worked in the yard and I worked.  I went with Da Da to pick JH up and he just didn't want to leave Carly.  He has a great time there and will miss them terribly after this week.  We found a new babysitter that we'll start taking him to next week.  Hopefully he'll adjust quickly and continue to thrive.

After work we all went out to the garden and pulled weeds.  JH helped pick red tomatoes and actually passed by orange ones saying they were not red enough.  We decided to pull all our cabbage plants out and give them to the chickens.  They had bugs on them and didn't look like we could save them for human consumption.  Jonathan kept wanting to give the chickens more garden goods so we let him pick a few cherry tomatoes and stuff them through the chicken wire. That kept him occupied for about 30 minutes running back and forth (one tomato at a time).

On Tuesday JH and Da Da cleared out pretty early since I had several meetings.  They played in the yard and moved several plants so we can start preparing for a carport pergola we'll be building this fall.  Da Da has started a part time job so he has some MAD money for home projects.  Late in the afternoon we went for ice-cream at McDonalds.  I finished work while Da Da and JH played in the yard.

I made a very spicy curry for dinner using a beautiful eggplant we grew in the garden.  JH had PB&J but wanted bites of our curry.  He actually ate about 6 bites and after each one guzzled his milk.  He loves spicy food and that is a very good thing!  Da Da and I love spicy food so we'll have great fun cooking and traveling as he gets older.  I really want to get him a passport soon so we can start dreaming about future trips.

Wednesday started with JH running across the living room yelling "I'm going to go potty, and I'll get a NEW sticker"; I was still trying to sleep.  After breakfast Da Da and JH went down to the basement to clean.  I got caught-up with work and while Da Da went to the Dentist JH and I played a little and watched Tangled (actually, he played/watched and I worked).

After work we went to The County Fair with Linda and Neil.  This is our third year going and it's sort of tradition.  Last year we brought JH for the first time but it was days after we got him so it was all pretty new.  This year he seemed to do really well as long as he was hanging on Linda or leading her around to look and touch everything in his path.  We got home after 7:30 PM so it was quick showers and sit nice time

Thursday morning JH was being very fussy, he would not eat his breakfast at all.  Luckily he "ran out of batteries" and I took advantage of that by telling him his Blueberry Pancakes were batteries.  I told him he better not eat them because I didn't want any little boys around running crazy; he cleaned his plate.

We went out early and picked some cucumbers for a salad later and let the chickens out (first time) to their outer pen.  We discovered that these birds can fly pretty high when we saw them perched on the outer fence.  Until now I was worried that they would run away, but after thinking about it, they know where their food comes from.  We'll see if we still have 11 tonight :-)

Da Da worked on Thursday so I went and picked JH up from Carly's house at 3:00 PM and we stopped by Trilogy to say hello.  JH must have been doing an art project with markers because his hands and clothes were covered in blue.  I really had to watch him in the store because he wanted to touch everything in site.  On the way home JH sang A B C twice and didn't miss a letter, I got my camera out for the 3rd time and he messed up a little.

We played outside for several hours and did a little burning so we were all a mess.  JH took a quick bath and sat nice while he laid on my lap.  He has been very clingy with me lately; maybe he knows he's leaving for the weekend :-(  I'm already missing Da Da and JH thinking about them being gone Saturday until Monday.  I'll have Da Da add to this post on Sunday night.

Saturday Jonathan and Rick pulled away at about 6:45 AM.  I have my 4 time a year work weekend and having them gone is torture.  I talked to Jonathan twice on the phone and he was sweet and loving.  "I love you Daddy, I miss you Daddy"  is like music to me ears.  He never talks on the phone but has had full multi minute conversations with me today.  I'm longing to see them pull up in the driveway on Monday.  I miss my boys!

Sunday morning I woke-up on my own, no chattering from the baby monitor, no fighting for covers in bed, and no rooster crowing; i hated it.  I miss getting my good morning hug and kiss and hearing JH never stop talking until he's either stuffing his face with French Toast, or finds a show that grabs his interest.

Jonathan Harper does NOT talk on the phone, he just smiles and looks at the phone when we try and get him to talk.  I talked to him three times this weekend and he told me he loved me and missed me.  Is it sick that it made me happy?  I want my boys to come home!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jonathan Week 3

We so appreciate the comments you left Kate and Carolyn.  Carolyn, you have lived it, and actually warned me while I was moaning about the terrible 2s that 3s are worse.  Kate, I cannot wait to hear stories about Hadrian when he hits the toddler age.  That child looks like he has tons of personality so get ready.

The sweetest little boy was standing at his gate this morning when I got up saying "good morning Daddy, it's good morning outside and I wanted to get up".  Monday started very nicely!

I'm not sure when it started but now JH comes in to my office, grabs an extra mouse I keep in my drawer and says "I have to work now Daddy" and sits on my Eames chair and slides the mouse all over the ottoman.  He can usually sit there for 10 minutes or so before something else steals his attention away.

After work on Monday we drove to MI City and JH used his new booster seat.  He kept reaching forward and grabbing my headrest and wiggling all around.  He had a new freedom but seemed to understand that he had to keep the shoulder strap over him and the belt buckled.  When we got home he wouldn't eat dinner and started throwing power fits.  He wants to do things his way and when we don't anticipate that happening and work around it he loses it.  No kisses at a VERY early bed-time but we snuck some in when we got him up to go potty at 10:00 PM.

On Tuesday Da Da and JH spent the majority of the day outside and in the basement since I had an important set of meetings.  I saw them running around in the yard from my office and at one point I went out and JH was playing in the mud.  He walked out of a muddy area Da Da was digging and looked like his shoes weighed about 5 pounds each.

The week was more good than bad so we'll take it as a success.  On Friday Jo and Damian drove up and JH was so happy.  He ran around the yard with Damian until pretty late playing on his swing set.  I decided to break in the new fire pit and lit a fire and roasted marshmallows with JH and Damian.  JH still had burnt marshmallow lips when he woke-up in the morning.

Saturday we picked Uncle Michael up and drove to Chicago where we picked Auntie Staci up  to attend Market Days.  We met Daryl and Sienna and had lunch and walked around the street fair.  We had planned on staying much longer than we did but the weather turned pretty quickly.  We drove home late in the afternoon and hit a MAJOR storm where the rain was so heavy that we had to pull over.  JH was asleep and when the hail started he woke-up and didn't seem too bothered.  He just started jabbering about how it was "dark in here".

I managed to pick-up a bug that finally hit me on Saturday evening so Da Da and I watched TV in bed after we put JH to sleep.  I don't think we made it to 8:00 PM!  I was sick on Sunday so Da Da and JH went to MI City to get groceries while I laid on the sofa napping most of the day.  When they returned I went out (I missed my boys) to get JH out of his car seat and he handed me the bud of a flower "this if for you Daddy"; all the petals were all over his lap.  We had a nice evening and he laid on my lap for about 30 minutes while Da Da fell asleep sitting with us.  It was a great end of a very busy week.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jonathan Week 2

The Sunday issues sort of bled in to Monday.  JH woke-up and wanted to snuggle in bed with us until we wanted to get up, and he got upset.  I guess he wasn't ready (or thinks he makes all the decisions).  We had a pretty good breakfast and then he and Da Da went out to play in the yard.

In the late morning Da Da got JH dressed to go to the park/water-park in New Buffalo.  After about 40 minutes they came home and as they were walking in, Da Da was telling JH how disappointed he was in him.  JH pushed a 2 year old girl and wouldn't say he was sorry and started throwing a fit at the park.  Her mother was sternly talking to Rick and anyone at the park that would listen.  JH was being super naughty and only wanted to go home to watch a video.  Da Da made him lunch and he pushed it away and said "I don't want lunch".  I asked him to eat or I would put him on the naughty bench and that's what happened.  I tried to talk with him 3 times after 3 minutes sitting and he just looked at me (like yesterday).  What is happening with this boy??

Tuesday was okay, in the morning and most of the day we kept the "new" JH under control.  We decided on Monday night while laying there in bed pondering "what is happening with Jonathan Harper" that we would not allow it to escalate again.

Linda and Neil came over for dinner on Tuesday and JH started acting-up.  He didn't want dinner and started throwing toys.  We let him watch a video in his room while we tried to finish dinner :-(

On Wednesday morning there was NOTHING we could do to make this boy happy.   Then later in the afternoon he was okay again.  I'm not sure if it's consistency or attention he is lacking.  Jo and I talked for more than an hour last night and she made me feel better.  Apparently David was worse when he was Jonathan's age.  Now David is a very sweet and loving guy!  There is hope :-)

Wednesday night was okay but after sit nice time there were "no hugs and kisses"; we'll get them at 11:00 when he goes potty :-P

On Thursday JH we to Carly's house so Da Da and I got a break from our little "Sybil".  He was sweet when he got home and after playing outside and having a nice dinner he went to bed, WITH hugs and kisses.  Maybe he needs to get out of the house more often :-)  We learned Christy and her family found a house in St Joe and are moving on 8/31.  I'm going to start looking for someone that may be able to come here and watch him.  That way Da Da can get out of the house and find something part time.  He has been a FT Dad for more than a year now and needs some relief.

Friday was pretty good and I don't remember much other than JH going to Carly's in the afternoon.  I had a light morning so I helped with JH in the morning and at one point he had to potty and after he finished, he washed his hands and took the wipe and said I'll throw it in the trash, he then took it and tucked it between his butt cheeks and stepped backwards on his foot  stool and released the wipe in the trash.  I didn't make a big deal of it but was laughing my ass off inside.

On Saturday it was blazing hot here so we played outside in the morning.  JH dried the dewy slide off with his pants sliding down three or for times.  Luckily it started to rain so we went in and changed clothes.  Da Da had some people here helping dig a trench so we could get electric run to the work-shop.  I played with JH and went up and down about 10 times.  "I want to watch a movie in my room"....10 minutes late  "Daddy, let's go play in the basement" get where this is going.

Sunday we got up at about 5:00 AM because JH wanted it to be "good morning time", Da Da put a movie on for him and we went back to sleep.  At about 6:00 AM I heard him say he had to potty and learned that was a ploy to get me in there :-)  We had breakfast and decided to run to South Bend to see a movie.  We wanted to see Cars 2 because it seemed more age appropriate than The Smurfs.  We had pizza for lunch and then went to a 1:00 PM show.  JH was good for most of the movie but Da Da and I each took him out to sternly warn him to behave.  He was wiggly and making a little too much noise.

After dinner we were sitting nice and JH looked over at Rick and said "Da Da, I don't want to sit nice, I want to play and play and play".  He then proceeded to ramble on about how playing was more fun than sitting nice.  When we put him in bed he announced "no kisses", but when I put his blankets on him I snuck one and he didn't seem to mind.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Jonathan Week 1

I missed posting my first week on Sunday.  I guess Sunday was so challenging that I just didn't have anything left last night.  More on that later.

We spent most of last week at Gramma and Grandpa's house.  We really thought that Gramma Junker would not make it through the weekend, and she is actually still hanging on more than 7 days later.  While there, Gramma Rosie became ill and was rushed to hospital.  Da Da and I were able to leave JH with Gramma Deb while we spent time with Gramma Rosie.  Gramma Rosie is losing blood and they are unable to determine exactly where from.

Gramma Rosie was released on Thursday afternoon so we planned on heading back to MI on Friday very early.  We got home in the late morning and it felt so good pulling up and seeing the garden in full glory.  We have about 300 green Tomatoes and dozens of Banana Peppers ready to pick.  I worked while JH and Da Da cut the grass and tended to the yard.  After work we picked peppers, fed the chickens, and spent a few hours in the basement.

On Saturday morning we went to the farmers market and the bank.  JH loves going to the bank because the ladies there always give him a sucker.  We also had a block party being held in town this weekend, so the streets were closed and all the stores brought their merchandise out and there were bands playing.  It was nice walking through town and having people stopping to say hello and smiling at our not so common family.

Then we get to Sunday, it started okay but seemed to be running downhill fast.  We headed to MI City in the morning to get groceries and parts to get the electric run to our shed/workshop.  JH was starting to act-up in Menards and by the time we got to Meijer Da Da had to take him out to the car while I finished shopping.  Michael and Janine stopped by in the afternoon and Janine kept up with JH and they played like crazy.  We started noticing that he was being a little bratty while playing and wouldn't help pick-up toys or play nice.

We tried a nap but JH wouldn't have that and made noise and looked out the window the entire time.  He kept saying he was hungry and thirsty so when we got him up and offered lunch, "I'm not hungry, I only want to go play in the basement".  He finally ate a little and we tried taking him outside to play on his swing set.  It was pretty hot but nice enough in the shade so he played for 5 minutes and climbed all over me like a monkey.  I was trying to sit and watch him but he preferred making me a Jungle Jim.  We went inside and tried the basement for a while until Da Da finished spraying weeds in the yard.

While cooking dinner JH ran in and stepped on my feet pretty hard and it really hurt.  I asked him to say he was sorry and he immediately pretended like he was yawning.  He does that lately when he doesn't want to help or is being reprimanded.  I knelt down and asked again and he hit the floor (pretending to sleep), so I put him in the corner.  After 3 minutes I went over and patiently explained that it's not okay to hurt people and that it IS okay to apologize when you do hurt someone.  He just looked and me and would not budge, he turned back around and stood in the corner.  We told him that if he didn't apologize he would go immediately to bed and not get any sit nice time, he just looked at us.  After getting his teeth brushed and PJs on he walked to bed and said "NO kisses".  Not a good end to a pretty good week :-(