Monday, August 1, 2011

Jonathan Week 1

I missed posting my first week on Sunday.  I guess Sunday was so challenging that I just didn't have anything left last night.  More on that later.

We spent most of last week at Gramma and Grandpa's house.  We really thought that Gramma Junker would not make it through the weekend, and she is actually still hanging on more than 7 days later.  While there, Gramma Rosie became ill and was rushed to hospital.  Da Da and I were able to leave JH with Gramma Deb while we spent time with Gramma Rosie.  Gramma Rosie is losing blood and they are unable to determine exactly where from.

Gramma Rosie was released on Thursday afternoon so we planned on heading back to MI on Friday very early.  We got home in the late morning and it felt so good pulling up and seeing the garden in full glory.  We have about 300 green Tomatoes and dozens of Banana Peppers ready to pick.  I worked while JH and Da Da cut the grass and tended to the yard.  After work we picked peppers, fed the chickens, and spent a few hours in the basement.

On Saturday morning we went to the farmers market and the bank.  JH loves going to the bank because the ladies there always give him a sucker.  We also had a block party being held in town this weekend, so the streets were closed and all the stores brought their merchandise out and there were bands playing.  It was nice walking through town and having people stopping to say hello and smiling at our not so common family.

Then we get to Sunday, it started okay but seemed to be running downhill fast.  We headed to MI City in the morning to get groceries and parts to get the electric run to our shed/workshop.  JH was starting to act-up in Menards and by the time we got to Meijer Da Da had to take him out to the car while I finished shopping.  Michael and Janine stopped by in the afternoon and Janine kept up with JH and they played like crazy.  We started noticing that he was being a little bratty while playing and wouldn't help pick-up toys or play nice.

We tried a nap but JH wouldn't have that and made noise and looked out the window the entire time.  He kept saying he was hungry and thirsty so when we got him up and offered lunch, "I'm not hungry, I only want to go play in the basement".  He finally ate a little and we tried taking him outside to play on his swing set.  It was pretty hot but nice enough in the shade so he played for 5 minutes and climbed all over me like a monkey.  I was trying to sit and watch him but he preferred making me a Jungle Jim.  We went inside and tried the basement for a while until Da Da finished spraying weeds in the yard.

While cooking dinner JH ran in and stepped on my feet pretty hard and it really hurt.  I asked him to say he was sorry and he immediately pretended like he was yawning.  He does that lately when he doesn't want to help or is being reprimanded.  I knelt down and asked again and he hit the floor (pretending to sleep), so I put him in the corner.  After 3 minutes I went over and patiently explained that it's not okay to hurt people and that it IS okay to apologize when you do hurt someone.  He just looked and me and would not budge, he turned back around and stood in the corner.  We told him that if he didn't apologize he would go immediately to bed and not get any sit nice time, he just looked at us.  After getting his teeth brushed and PJs on he walked to bed and said "NO kisses".  Not a good end to a pretty good week :-(

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the bookends of your week were rather tough. :( Saying prayers for the Grandmas...

    Glad to hear your garden is bountiful, ours is worse than we've had in AZ in the summer.

    He's testing your boundaries, hang in there.
